Technology transfer classic, high stability precision.
After 30 years of precipitation technology, so the precision, such as customer want.We have consistently adhering to the "let pressure measurement, easy to complete"
2014 , new delveloped. Best Quantity , and Best Price
Manufacture by xi'an instrument factory
Measuring Range
XY 0.6
0.05%; 0.02%; 0.01% ;0.005%
XY 6
0.05%; 0.02%; 0.01% ;0.005%
0.05%; 0.02%; 0.01% ;0.005%
XY 60
0.05%; 0.02%; 0.01% ;0.005%
XY 100
0.05%; 0.02%; 0.01% ;0.005%
1-100Mpa or 2-100Mpa
Basic Error of our Manufacture by xi'an instrument factory
In full scale , the basic error : -0.005%; 0.01% ; ±0.02% , 0.05% percent measuring range..
What Applications of our Manufacture by xi'an instrument factory?
Be useful for calibrating dead weight tester; piston gauge ; floating ball dead weight tester; ball pneumatic dead weight tester; pressure sensor; pressure transmitter, digital pressure gauge and other precision pressure gauge.
Through strict calibration standard of our Manufacture by xi'an instrument factory
Through strict calibration standard of our Manufacture by xi'an instrument factory
* A traceable calibration is included in the price of the above pressure gauges and a calibration certificate is provided by National Institute of Metrology P.R.China or Shaanxi Institute of measurement and testing technology when sent out from our factory.